• Open: Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00


The Albanian Society of Human Molecular Genetics (ASHMG) in partnership with the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Tirana University will organize a few activities in celebration of DNA Day in Albania.

The main target groups are university students in STEM programs and senior high school students. Participating in the DNA Day activities students will be able to learn firsthand from faculty and genetics specialists. Business representatives operating in the field of Biotechnology and Genetics will present STEM students with viable present and future collaborations opportunities to explore for their professional careers. On the other hand, senior high schools that are about to decide about their studies will be encouraged to explore STEM programs at Albanian universities. The event will also be featured as one of the Tirana European Youth Capital.

As DNA genotyping is becoming cheaper and faster, more and more individuals are able to get more information about their genomes. A part of this information can also predict the possibility for a particular disease or the response to a given medication. Will this lead to radical changes across the medical system in the future decades – from the “diagnose and treat” model to the “predict and prevent” model approach? Or will this vision ignore the human beings’ complexity, the essential role of the environment and way of life, as well as the fact that in a free and independent society, individuals can and often choose to ignore good advice?

It is time that the Albanian young generation becomes aware of the relationship between DNA and all the environmental challenges in our life, understands the role of science in our everyday life, and how important STEM studies are. A doctor is not the only profession that saves life! IT takes everyone to improve the health life of the people.

What are the activities?

  • Competition
  • Presentations
  • Choreography
  • Promotion materials

Who can take part?

  • University students in STEM programs
  • Senior high school students




Activity 1. Period: March 28 – March 31

Info days with Biology teachers and selected university students. Info days provide the biology teachers with instructions about engaging senior high school students in the “DNA image competition” as individuals or teams with 2 or more members.
-Detailed instructions will be published soon.

Activity 2. Period: March 25 – April 20

One Info Day about the instructions in the preparation of leaflets of “DNA Facts and Genetic Concepts”, with the young people involved in the Genetic Education working group.

-Educational scientific links and distinguished websites will be distributed to the working group by the academic researchers.
Prepared Information included in the leaflets will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the ASHMG before being printed.
Promotional materials like (pens with the DNA Day 2022 logo and T-shirts with DNA nucleotide colors, for the DNA double helix image illustration) will be prepared.

Activity 3 Period: April 1- April 20

“DNA image competition”. – Competition on the visual presentation of genetic role, gene study, lifestyle, therapeutic approach, etc., from young people, to stimulate creativity, critical way of thinking and the attempt of science translation into practical concepts.

– The competition can be held individually or in groups.
– We expect to have a photo montage (meme) visualized.

Three Prizes will be awarded
First place – 100 euro
Second place – 80 euro
Third place – 70 euro
One-year free membership in the ASHMG
2 months Internship for each winner in a local genetic company.

Activity 4. Date April 25

DNA DAY Celebration and Scientific Seminar
– State of the art in Genetics updates and utilities. Theory interpreted in the technical application of DNA featuring faculty members, professionals.
– Providing career advising for both university students and high school students
for their future study or work pursuits.

Activity 5. Date April 25

“DNA Helix illustration” Choreography. Young people wearing T-shirts with DNA nucleotide colors (respectively, A-red, T-Green, C-Yellow, G-blue) will illustrate the DNA double helix image, in an open square near the FSHN (the New Boulevard or the square in front of the FSHN building). Promotional materials distribution – Leaflets, pens, ecological bags will serve as dissemination of this DNA DAY celebration. The DNA image will be recorded and photographed through a drone, to be shared on the social networks of ASHMG, UT, FSHN and to be stored in the FSHN activities gallery on its official website. Also, the press will be invited to share moments from this activity.

Certificate of participation

The certificates will be distributed according to three categories
Young people involved in the brochure material preparation group.
Young people participated in the image competition.
Young people involved in the DNA helix image illustration